Friday, January 24, 2020

The Search for a Better Reality Essay -- Comparative, Kidd, Chrouch

The Search for a Better Reality Life is not easy. It is all about surviving the storms that you will eventually have to face. As a result, sometimes people feel overwhelmed, and they try to find ways that will allow them to break away from reality. In most cases, individuals resort to escape either because they want to be relieved from all of their responsibilities, or because they are trying to avoid facing unpleasant truths or painful situations. Everyone deals with tough circumstances in a different way. For example, some folks try to avoid problems and painful facts in their lives by drinking, or even doing drugs. They know that using these substances will not solve their problems, but it will buy them some time free of stress and troubles. In addition, other people attempt to find some kind of shelter, where they can feel safe and be happy even if it is doesn’t last long. Overall, these behaviors allow individuals to escape from everything that is too hurtful, or hard for them to deal with. Everyone at some point in their lives has felt the need to escape. Take, for example Sue Monk Kidd’s novel The Secret Life of Bees or Katie Crouch’s Men and Dogs. The Secret Life of Bees is about a young girl named Lily Owens, who searches for answers to her mother’s death, while Men and Dogs talks about a now grown woman named Hannah Legare that is looking for answers to her father’s disappearance. Both of these novels focus on characters that constantly try to get away from difficult situations, or even reality itself. Also, in these works of literature, the protagonists try to escape from the truth. Yet, in contrast, they both eventually realize that facing the facts is much more liberating than avoiding them. Thus, clearly th... ... everyone’s grief in her back, which made her life unbearable. Finally, June tries to avoid getting hurt and potentially losing her freedom by declining Neil’s marriage proposals. In the same manner, Hannah’s brother in Men and dogs tries to escape from dealing with his father’s death, and the fact that he was homosexual by doing drugs (pg. 91). In conclusion, the rhetors of both The Secret Life of bees and Men and Dogs provide multiple examples of the elaborate escape mechanisms that were employed by the characters in these narratives. Through these examples, they show that avoiding problems and hurtful situations only makes people’s lives more miserable. Thus, Sue Monk Kidd and Katie Crouch want individuals to realize that accepting the truth, no matter how bitter it might be, is the only thing that will allow them to move on with their lives, and be happy.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Reading the Constitution Essay

In their essay, â€Å"How Not to Read the Constitution†, Lawrence Tribe and Michael Dorf describe the ways the Constitution has been interpreted by different people. Tribe and Dorf make it clear that the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted based on what the framers original intent was is not the way to read the Constitution, it takes much more than that. Tribe and Dorf also explain that justices do not interpret the Constitution in a way that would please the readers (the people) on purpose, because if that were so then the authority of the Constitution would â€Å"lose all legitimacy if it really were only a mirror for the readers’ ideals and ideas (p.49).† This means that people have the tendency to interpret the Constitution based on their own beliefs. Also, the justices themselves have their own beliefs and their own interpretations of the Constitution, but they should not come up with a decision based solely on their own opinions. The exact way to read the Constitution is indefinable, therefore in their essay, Tribe and Dorf instead described how not to interpret it and implied that justices should make wise decisions that are not entirely based on their own beliefs, the original intents of the framers made generations ago, or the expectations of the public now. In the case Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, Planned Parenthood was challenging a Pennsylvania law that placed some restrictions on abortion. Many opponents of abortion hoped that the Supreme Court would use the case to strike down the decision made in Roe v. Wade, which states that a state ban on all abortions is unconstitutional. The majority of the court voted not to do so. This is a good case for providing insight into the way justices interpret the constitution and make their decisions. Justice of the Supreme Court Sandra Day O’Connor wrote the majority opinion for the case. The majority voted not to overrule the decision made in Roe v. Wade. O’Connor wrote on behalf of the majority and wrote in the opinion that the main reasons for this decision were based on the principle of stare decisis and the fact that the case’s central ruling is workable for the states and does not come at odds with other precedents. Also, O’Connor wrote that the word â€Å"liberty† from the statement â€Å"no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,† (the Due  Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment) includes a woman’s right to an abortion. Thus, the precedent decision made in the case Roe v. Wade that deals with the rights to and restrictions on abortion still stands. Justices William Rehnquist and Atonin Scalia each wrote dissenting opinions about this case. In Rehnquist’s dissenting opinion, his main point upon which he disagrees with O’Connor is that the right to an abortion is not â€Å"fundamental†. By this statement Rehnquist means that the word â€Å"liberty† in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not encompass the right to an abortion because the right to an abortion is not â€Å"implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.† Thus, he does not agree with the majority opinion. Scalia disagreed with O’Connor and the majority about roughly the same point Rehnquist described in his dissenting opinion. The difference in Scalia’s opinion is that he believes there is no question that the right to an abortion is a liberty, but he states that it is not a liberty that is protected by the Constitution. Out of these three justices, Sandra Day O’Connor would most agree with Tribe and Dorf’s essay about how to read and interpret the Constitution. I believe she would be in agreement with them because unlike Rehnquist and Scalia, it seems that she interpreted the Constitution not by what she thought the framers originally meant, but by what she thought would do some good in the future. She also made it clear in her writing that the decision by the majority was not made based on the justices personal beliefs. She shows this in the majority opinion she wrote, â€Å"†¦the stronger argument is for affirming Roe’s central holding, with whatever degree of personal reluctance any of us may have, not for overruling it.†

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Major Mariano Valencia ( Mexico ) - 764 Words

Major Mariano Valencia (Mà ©xico). MODERN WARFARE. â€Å"To secure peace is to prepare for war† said Carl Von Clausewitz. This means if a nation is well armed, other nations will be wary of attacking it and hence peace will be preserved. Many governments do not like to be engaged in warfare or receive their soldiers in a black bag. Many families would prefer loved ones alive and not dead after a war. Even so, all countries in the world take actions to prepare their military forces to be ready in case they are needed. In recent wars, the use of technology has been one of the most important means to obtain the advantage over the enemy. Therefore, electronic warfare, as part of modern warfare, has become not only a concept but an effective tool to reinforce combatant soldiers on the ground. The control of the electromagnetic spectrum has now a significant role in military forces having an advantage over the enemy. Electronic attack, electronic protection and electronic warfare support are elements of electronic w arfare. An electronic attack is the employment of energy to localize, interfere and destroy enemy assets, Department of the Army (2009). New weapons usually demand the use of a small segment of the electromagnetic spectrum, that is called â€Å"the frequency† at which every weapon works. If the frequency of a particular weapon (radar, radios, air defense batteries, etc.) is localized, then that particular weapon can be intercepted and destroyed. The more enemy weaponsShow MoreRelatedThe Between Mexico And The United States2412 Words   |  10 PagesINTRODUCTION War 1846 - 48 between Mexico and the United States was a military conflict related with the annexation of Texas to the United States territory. Mexico saw the conflict with Texas as an expansionist sentiment of the United States. The Mexican government did not stop to consider the region as part of its territory, so that the annexation of Texas was regarded as an affront to the interests and national dignity. Mexico, since its independence in 1821 until the proclamation of the Constitution